Council of Community Members
The DSNWK CDDO established the Council of Community Members in 1996. The Council consists of parents/guardians, persons served, representatives from affiliated service providers, and CDDO representatives. The Council meets on a quarterly basis and has a variety of responsibilities. They include: making suggestions and recommendations to the board of directors concerning the types of services being offered by the various providers within the service area and the manner in which those services are being provided; the development and implementation of the dispute resolution procedures; overseeing development, implementation, and progress reporting on the local capacity building plans; as well as serving on the Quality Assurance/Quality Enhancement (QA/QE) committee and overseeing the action/function of the QA/QE Team.
DSNWK CDDO Council of Community Members Meetings
Meetings of the DSNWK CDDO Council of Community Members are held four times per year. The meetings are held in Hays at the DSNWK Administrative Offices, Scheopner Room, 2703 Hall, Suite 3, Hays, KS. Meetings begin at 11:00 am. Participation in meetings are face to face, by video conference or by conference call.
Meeting dates for 2024: February 2, May 3, August 2, November 1
Sample agenda: